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More Than Words by Xerjoff is a Amber Woody fragrance for women and men. More Than Words was launched in 2012. The nose behind this fragrance is Chris Maurice.
As Xerjoff’s homage to literature and poetry, More Than Words is proof that the greatest phrases often come from unexpected combinations. Part sumptuous fruity floral, part complex resin-drenched oriental, More Than Words achieves true poetic balance with a composition that celebrates the individuality of its disparate elements without ever sacrificing the captivating blend of the whole fragrance.
While an intoxicating accord of sweet fruit dominates the opening of More Than Words, it also indicates the unpredictability to come, with individual moments of smoky labdanum and wood creeping in just enough to surprise and enchant. As the sweetness dries, the fragrance bounds further into exotic territory, with oud and benzoin providing a warm, sensual backdrop. A waxing and waning frankincense brings everything together with such natural precision that it’s easy to forget how bold the whole thing really is. Like all great writing, More Than Words is something more than the sum of its parts.
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